bullsh*t. either this didn’t happen, or there’s something crucial missing from the story — it certainly didn’t happen that way
see my post 11. Grew up in Vancouver and know a lot of people in White Rock. Like I said before 9/11, the US Border guys will rip into you and I KNOW they closed all the forest trails (I knew some back in HS to cross into the US) from White Rock, Peach Arch etc.
and there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY you can “jog” into the US from that section without knowing it. There are more cameras there than a Hollywood production studio.
She crossed the border at an unapproved and unmanned border area.
She crossed the border with out a pass port.
She is not a citizen of either the country she exited or the country she entered.
Her mother brought her her pass port but the border guards can not take that document at face value because it was not in her possession initially.
What the border patrol would have to do is kick the issue up to the state department to have the pass port verified by the country of which she claims citizenship, France.
They also have to assume she intended to cross the border illegally. They will have to search the terrorist watch list data base to see if she is suspected of terrorist ties.
To me it is not surprising that it took two weeks.
If she didnt want to carry her pass port jogging she should have carried a photo copy of it folded in her pocket.
Whenever the wife and I travel we always have a couple of copies of our pass ports in our luggage.
Losing your pass port or having it stolen in a foreign country is very serious and will inconvenience you severely. Having a copy of it will smooth thing out considerably.
No picture, she must be “guilty”.
I have crossed at HWY 539 about 20 miles east and did so w/o passport. I answered all the questions both on entering Canada and returning. I never left my car and the delay was 10 minutes at most.
She registered on their check as being suspicious, or her answers did not jibe.