I have read that cameras and geopositioning on phones can be remotely activated, in some cases even if you turned (or thought you turned) your phone off. It looks like the one that photographed Poppy was an iPhone; Google owns Android. Some information indicates Google Home and Amazon Echo etc. are all info gathering devices. (There’s a creepy article about Amazon aFacebook, Twitter, cameras, geopositioning on devices, Windows 10 and Apple’s FACE ID performing face recognition ). So there’s alot of technology out there that can passively gather/aggregate info on people that was intended for societal control WHEN Clinton took office (NEW WORLD ORDER); long term goals for the masses which Trump is “ruining” for the black hats (HURRAH!).
So on the one hand, unless you know something compromising about Clinton, no need to worry. :) On the other hand, auto collection software and inherently compromised technology was pushed out to our society for a reason. I don’t get along with phones in general so I don’t know how or if you can block remote activation of phones - you’d think the black hats would have had that by now if there was. :)
It wasn’t “pushed on to” us, we signed an info-security agreement and agreed to any changes to updates.
Without reading any of it...because if you didn’t agree, that new iPhones wouldn’t work. Capice?