Won’t these lava flows make the sea rise?
And heat the surface and sea temperatures?
Global Warming at its best.
Showing to my granddaughters now.
Those are amazing videos - I haven’t seen lava moving that fast before. Pyroclastic flows, yes, but not actual lava. Those two guys in the second video seem to be taking a big risk in that the flow could suddenly change direction or increase and they would never be able to outrun it.
If you look closely at one of those videos you can see a dude that looks like Obama forging a ring.
Whoa. Pahoehoe or a’a? If it’s the former, that’s quite a clip. If the latter, not much slope.
Where does all the magma come from? Taking boiling hot liquid magma from the center of the earth and depositing it on the surface has to leave a void somewhere.
Liquefied rocks flowing at 30+ mph! 3 times as dense and heavy than water and 2000 degrees. Energy calculations are beyond my capabilities. The volume alone is staggering to conceive.
Ooze and awes!