Many a true word spoken in jest
And the reported harvesting of adrenochrome is also fake?
First time I ever heard of adrenochrome was in Hunter S. Thompson’s “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”. Mentioned that it had to be harvested from a living human being. In works by authors like Thompson or William Burroughs its hard to tell what it real. (Is’t that the point, to destroy the reality we live in and replace it with?)
Here is a clip from the Movie. It of course treats this humorously.
...harvesting of adrenochrome is also fake?
My personal jury is still out on that one. Posted on this sometime ago, but: drug is not regulated and is available for affordable prices. Short-acting/short-lived in vivo, most excreted quickly.
Making sense is not part of the occult, of course. Rituals are for bonding, for commitment, to unleash whatever from wherever....all in the belief of the participants.
“Reported”. “Claimed”. I just don’t know, yet.