“are you most excited for, and which do you fear the most?”
Excited for High-Speed Trains. (These are long overdue in the US, and .... make them Free Enterprise Private Sector owned and managed. Get Rid of Amtrak , and the Gov. intervention.
Fear the Self Driving (autonomous) vehicles.... any software can be hacked. Results would be disastrous .
I’m a fan of fusion power.
I’m an enemy of automated vehicles - will be handing gov the ability to control your movements, such as, “someone set off a bomb, turn all cars off”. “We need more room for snowplows, turn all cars off”.
Thorium Reactors
Who doesn’t think that weirdos with sex robots aren’t going to get much, much weirder?
Exciting and scary things to come:
Federal Reserve’s Fedcoin replacement currency -
Increasing role of accountable algorithms on our lives:
What excites me is that the cost of water desalination will soon drop to the point where its economic to farm any desert on the planet.
What scares me is that machine learning will knock out my job.
Direct brain computer interface.
Exactly who is controlling whom?
Robotics,Space,travel and Biotechnology excite me.Drones (govt.run) worry me!
Realistic violent video games
New technology is not for old folks. This grandmother reaction to Google Home is hysterical...
The Drone Girl
More technology = Less freedom.
Scares me: Home automation, the government's long-time dream implementation of a wiretap in very home.