IF the ‘live feed’ that Sheriff Israel thought they were receiving was really a TAPE DELAY transmission of over 20 min delay, I don’t know how we can blame him for a slow response.
I believe that he DID NOT know that there was a 20 minute tape delay. I don’t know a single LEO in the entire country who would have agreed to such a setup.
The School Board of Broward County needs to pay the piper for such a decision.
Can you imagine ANY person in this country with the investment of security cameras on their property installing them with a 20 MIN TAPE DELAY?
IF the Sheriff was blindsided by this development, I cannot blame him or his other officers.
I can blame the coward who lived on the property for free & still made north of $100,000 a year as the ‘school resource officer’. He needs to be hung by his crotch decorations.
Don’t lay all those shootings on the cops. I guess it would be more appropriate to say “Lay Enforcement”, thus including the FBI as well.
Part of a dark comedy of law enforcement management dropping the ball from the FBI to the local sheriff.
Competent, professional law enforcement is more than setting up Trump associates with "Gotcha" questions and ticketing speeders.
It might have been more professional to discover this secusity camera delay during a planning session to prepare for such an emergency and a practice run-through to make sure all the pieces were in place and working rather than wait to discover it during an actual live fire shooting event.
Prior planning and preparation would probably have saved many lives.