If Obama will release a copy of it on the internet, I'm sure he has no objection to the Health Department's releasing a certified copy to anyone who requests it.
These days I believe HIPAA forbids such a release. When I worked at a health organization, we were not supposed to leave patient records face-up at our desks, if we were going to be away from our desks.
And even I/T people were not allowed in the records room where the main body of physical files were located. There were no computers in that room anyways that I recall being mentioned.
“Why not just write to the State of Hawaii Health Department and ask for a certified copy of Obama’s birth certificate?”
But wasn’t that part of the problem - i.e. that the State of Hawaii refused to show a certified copy to anyone without Obama’s permission. http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/14529568/president-obamas-birth-certificate-delivers-news-to-doctors-family
When this whole controversy started in 2008, the then governor of Hawaii, decided on his own, to find the birth certificate and publish it. He thought it would put the controversy to rest.
After some weeks, he was forced to admit that they could not find the original birth certificate.
He documents it all as a huge op done by the usual suspects (my conclusions) to pretend that Fuddy was the only one to die in six feet of water only a couple of hundred yards off shore in a fake plane crash.
Best guesses are that everyone on the plane was player in the big op in which Fuddy actually escaped and is most likely alive today.
As a practicing muzzie zero won't kill off some people who have importance as fuddy did in her weird groups that she hung with.
That's probably why she is alive she knew a lot of the right people so obama/jarrett concocted a huge op to kill her off without doing so.
I don't have links but I'll see if I can find them. If I had to guess I would bet Fuddy is alive with a new name,new face,new body and living in Hawaii today.She just had to disappear and was one of the few that zero would not just kill off.