Posted on 12/14/2017 8:22:54 PM PST by KC Burke
The 8th Congressional District of Arizona is holding a special election for the U.S. House of Representatives on April 24, 2018. Primary elections will be held on February 27, 2018. Candidates have until January 10, 2018, to file nominating papers.[1]
The election is being held to replace Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.), who resigned on December 8, 2017, after acknowledging that he had discussed possible surrogacy arrangements with female staffers.[2
Democratic Party Democrats
Brianna Westbrook[3]
Republican Party Republicans
Chad Allen[4]
Travis Angry[4)
Bill Harbeck[4]
David Lien[5]
Phil Lovas - Former State Representative[6]
Steve Montenegro - State Senator[7]
Christopher Rippey[4]
Jon Rtizheimer[4]
Bob Stump[8]
Christopher Sylvester[4]
Clint Hickman - Maricopa County Supervisor[7]
Debbie Lesko - State Senator[7]
Kimberly Yee - State Senator[7]
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Um, dude I already told you, we won a Supreme Court seat cause we WEREN’T IN THE FARKING MINORITY! Augment over as far as I’m concerned, the worth of a majority proven beyond question.
IF you get them to vote the right way. You don’t know how and when they’ll “Flake” out, and on what. That’s why these people are utterly unreliable and especially dangerous to have in the Senate. Frankly, I think we should move forward with amending the Constitution to permit recall of Senators.
I say no thanks to the endless campaign recalls would entail. Might as well give the entire body 2 year terms, no?
Our Constitution stipulated Senators were set to have 6-year terms, but that didn’t mean they were necessarily going to serve it out. It was a gentleman’s agreement that if they couldn’t follow the instruction of their state legislatures or there was a party change, they would step down at any point when this occurred. Only when these guys realized they weren’t LEGALLY bound to step aside (instead of honor-bound), that’s the point at which I make my argument against the 17th repealers that the Founding Fathers’ Senate vision failed.
Now, while I’m saying all that above, which you pretty much know by heart now, given that the public now serves as a stand-in for the state legislatures, if the Senators are not following the will of the electorate, they should either step aside for someone who will (which they won’t) or face a recall effort. If it results in a revolving door, so be it. It’s pretty clear that the longer people stay in DC, the more rotten they become and removed from doing the will of the people and following the Constitution.
The Founding Fathers would likely be horrified to see the U.S. Senate being used as a nursing home for old elitists.
Since Nov. I have acted as an “unofficial” adviser to Ward. I told them NOT to put me on any official lists because I don’t want anything I say here, or on Twitter to in any way come back and harm her.
That said, my advice to her camp yesterday was:
“Run against Sinema. The chief concern with you is you can’t win the general. You will easily win the PRIMARY if you convince people you can win the general. So start running the general election NOW. If you have dirt on Sinema, use it now. All you have. Don’t wait. Define her early as McTurd defined you early last year.”
Again, just my opinion.
The Founding Fathers would likely be horrified to see the U.S. Senate being used as a nursing home for old elitists.
Serving (House, Senate, POTUS) was NEVER intended to be a lifetime appointment, period.
An update on who has filed for the primary for the 8th District along with FEC file numbers and amounts reported to date:
Candidate Democratic Judith Keenan McHale
FEC H8AZ08067; 30 Sep 17; Tot $4,845; Dsb $3,848
Candidate Democratic Robert Kyle Schuster
FEC H8AZ08125
Candidate Democratic Hiral Vyas Tipirneni
FEC H8AZ08083; 30 Sep 17; Tot $165,266; Dsb $41,927
Candidate Democratic Brianna Westbrook
FEC H8AZ08059; 30 Sep 17; Tot $7,111; Dsb $2,946
xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx
Candidate Republican David Lien
FEC H8AZ08109
Candidate Republican former state Representative Phil Lovas
FEC H8AZ08133
Candidate Republican Bob Stump
FEC H6AZ03112; 30 Sep 17; Tot $0; Dsb $0
Candidate Republican Christopher “Chris” Sylvester
FEC H8AZ08091
We should note that one of our guys a number preferred, Montenegro, has yet to file —perhaps a “Resign to Run” issue. The other thing is that Dr. Tipirneni, who announced in July is showing a good sum of money raised. I believe her parents immigrated from India and she grew up here from age 3. She is very personable, comes across very well in the media and is not an idiot like many Democrat politicians. She will be the first formidable Democrat to run for this district in the last 8 years at least.
I will add to my post at 87 by noting that Montenegro has resigned his State Senate seat so I don’t know why The Green Papers does not show his filing as of yet.
Go to
for a very good resource on every election in every state.
While resign-to-run laws were born of good intentions, I agree with you that they may have unforeseen effects such as elected officials having to quit the job with which they provide for their respective families in order to run in special elections. Frankly, if a governor can remain governor while running for reelection, I fail to see why it is so abhorrent to allow a state senator to remain a state senator when running for governor.
Kimberly Yee has decided not to run for Congress, she is running for State Treasurer.
Thanks, Impy. This is what Green Papers shows as filed candidates:
Candidate Republican Chad Allen
FEC H8AZ08141
Candidate Republican Travis Angry
FEC H8AZ08117
Candidate Republican Scott Allen Baker
FEC H8AZ08166
Candidate Republican Bill Harbeck
Candidate Republican state Senator Debbie Lesko
FEC H8AZ08158
Candidate Republican David Lien
FEC H8AZ08109
Candidate Republican state Rep Phil Lovas
FEC H8AZ08133
Candidate Republican fmr Graham Co. Sheriff Richard Mack
Candidate Republican former state Senator Steve Montenegro
FEC H8AZ08174
Candidate Republican Christopher T. Rippey
Candidate Republican Jon Ritzheimer
Candidate Republican former state Corporate Commissioner Bob Stump
FEC H6AZ03112; 30 Sep 17; Tot $0; Dsb $0
Candidate Republican Christopher “Chris” Sylvester
FEC H8AZ08091
And to top it all off I saw that old talk show guy that runs for everything and his wife out on a street corner trying to pound a sign in the ground — who knows what Clair is running for this time.
Its a damn zoo.
Update now after Jan 1.
Did AZ Senate PPT Debbie Lesko already resign her state senate seat? I thought that it was a prerequisite for filing for the special election.
Near as I can tell Lesko has yet to resign.
Steve Montenegro has resigned and been replaced in the AZ Senate by Dairy Farmer Sine Kerr (appointed by the Marciopa County board from a list of 3 chosen by local Republicans).
I’m not if the Yuma county board got any say. Part of the Senate district is in Yuma county.
Part of what is confusing it that there are FOUR elections for Congressional District 8 in the next 10 months and there are different filing dates and lists for each. There may be some filing mistakes made.
First there is a primary for the special election. That Primary is in February on the 27. It is the primary for the Special Election on the 24th of April to fill the vacant seat.
Then we turn right around and have a primary and a general election this August and November for the same seat all over again.
Now the other thing for non Locals is the big election signs for Phil Lovas, who was Trumps state chair, show he and the President in a picture together. Well local news has had video and interviews with Phil because the local Party of Love and Equality people have been defacing them with swastikas.
Phil Lovas is such a good man. He and I served on a committee at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. Quite an honor to be chosen for one of the four committees. LOL.. still not completely sure what that was all about, but we met at the conventional hall, Haley Barbour was the head of it, we did a State by State vote and that was it. But it was still very fun and we got some extra swag. :)
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