Wonderful! Especially the tiny area for “Ability to distinguish what IS a chew toy from what ISN’T”.
Our sofa used to have 3 huge cushions that flowed from the back down into the seat. Our Irish Wolfhound puppy walked away with one and ate it.
Ability to distinguish what IS a chew toy from what ISNT.
I got a kick out of the brain diagram as well. Although with the two dogs we’ve owned I’ve been amazed at how they can tell the difference between one of their toys and the kid’s toys (stuffed animals, etc.) and of course shoes and socks.
Although the first dog did chew up a toy tiger/figure type thing. My young daughter was crushed! Turns out the thing was made out of hide (cow?), and the hair colored like a tiger. That dog was also apt to eat any of their sandwiches that they left down low on the coffee table, etc.
Our current dog doesn’t get into much - even food left low. I’m not sure if that is smart - or it is just well-behaved. Smart would be “I’m going to eat this yummy sandwich if they are too stupid to leave it out for me!”