On his first day in office Trump should have told any general officer promoted by Obama to put in his retirement papers. You can bet your bottom dollar that the majority of general officers BHO promoted were liberal. Other than Dunsford I don’t recall a one of them that spoke out against women in combat roles and the lifting of DADT, or drag queens openly serving on active duty. Every one of them knew none of this PC nonsense improved mission effectiveness, but other than Dunsford not a one said a word.
Actually, doing away with the military aides to Senators and in Congressional offices would go a long way towards removing military bias from the Joint Services. Colon Powell was a republican aide. Too high a percentage spend time in Politican’s office’s working while on Active Duty... as do a high percentage of top brass come thru the service academies... and within the academies from the football team!
Bush the Inept had 8 yrs to reverse DADT and didn’t. Did any generals speak up against Dubya continuing Clinton’s PC policies? Or did they keep their opinion to themselves?
Did Kelly have a secret ballot when he voted, or did he have to cast his vote in public so we could all see?
If not, how is it that Rollins and Gateway Pundit know who he voted for?