Posted on 08/16/2017 10:16:26 PM PDT by GraceG
Isnt it funny how we NEVER hear new reports that a Neo-NAZI biker bar was specifically targeted and burned down by Anti-Fa? Or that the KKK was having a meeting somewhere and all of a sudden Anti-Fa jumped all the skinheads and beat the crap out of them...????
Isnt it ALSO funny how Anti-Fa always seems to show up where there are News cameras rolling to get the pictures of scrawny looking beta males and other retards wearing NAZI paraphernalia for them to fight...
Gee, you would think that if Anti-Fa was REALLY REALLY interested in actually fighting ACTUAL NAZI and Klan people that there would be reports of them systematically going from Racist hangout to Racist hangout beating the crap out of ACTUAL RACISTS and tossing bricks and feces on THAT SPECIFIC PROPERTY OWNED BY ACTUAL RACISTS???
Instead they seem to hid their faces behind masks, so they can get in front of cameras to grandstand by of a bunch of "Amazon NAZIs" and "K-MART Klansmen"...
Doesnt anyone find that weird?
Those on the Left and in the media undertook a campaign to glorify Antifa over the past few days as being morally superior to other repugnant groups, mainly because they fight those other groups. Antifa is a violent leftist group that got its start in 1930s Germany as the paramilitary wing of the German Communist Party. Its adherents are as repugnant as Nazis. European communists, both at home and through the exportation of the violent ideology, are responsible for the deaths of 100 million people or more.
(Rob Eno, conservative review)
They are just the old anarchists with some Obama/Clinton rent-a-mob thrown in.
Well first of all they couldn’t let the news be about staring N Korea down, could they!
No, it had to be about Trump not saying the right words fast enough about what was likely a staged conflict between some “white” something or other and some Antifa who just happend to have baseball bats. And on cue the media went wild.
This is total BS and I’m not playing. I have turned off my TV. I need to call Comcast and tell them to shove it. I won’t click on the sites that promote this crap. I’m done.’
I will help Trump in any way I can. He has my total support. The rest of them can go you know what.
Antifa is #FakeAmerican!
Antifa is brackish phonybama.
Antifa is faker than phonywood cali-fake-nia.
Antifa is less authentic than george soros’s humanity.
[ They are just the old anarchists with some Obama/Clinton rent-a-mob thrown in. ]
The core of antifa is certainly these “black block” anarchists who are a bunch literal vandals who either believe all the crap they have deluded themselves to believe in, or they just want to destroy crap and this give them a good excuse to behave badly because they are “fighting the NAZIs”
They’d have to fight themselves as well, of course.
And don’t expect the lib media to ask that question. They’re too busy throwing mud at Trump (and forgetting all about Russia) and falsely calling him “racist” and “the leader of white nationalism” to actually report the news.
Cancel your contracts with these phony mind enslaving media companies...NEVER go back. You will have more time and become massively smarter once you learn how to figure things out for yourself.
Cancel your contracts with these phony mind enslaving media companies...NEVER go back. You will have more time and become massively smarter once you learn how to figure things out for yourself.
I say, follow the money. When Soros money flows out to the pinheads of the Left, they will wack noses and torch businesses with glee. They will do it because it is easy money.
Antifa and Nazis both got their start in 1930s Germany. While we are mostly familiar with the socialist faction known as Nazis, the Antifas were a coalition of non-Nazi socialists and communists. Since the groups were essentially rivals, should we be surprised that Antifa thugs behave almost identically to the old Nazis?
The main difference is that Nazis are a joke these days, with few if any followers, and apparently Antifa still has some support.
It is no surprise that the evil old Nazi Soros is now financing Antifa. Nazi and Antifa goals were never significantly different.
The Antifas are the direct descendants of the Nazi Brownshirts or Mao’s Red Brigades. They are nothing more than terrorists and need to be treated as such.
The mini-manual of on the subject of urban guerilla warfare is rife with the dreck put out by all of the Red terrorist organizations of the 1960’s.
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