I applaud the article for its breadth of knowledge.
Now the author needs to find a way to say it all, just as accurately, in a way the lay person will follow easily and understand that the author is not just talking scientific gibberish.
A term that I had to look up is “Gedankenexperiment” which translates from German as ‘Thought Experiment’ where a hypothesis, theory or principle is regarded in depth for the purpose of thinking through its consequences.
The most famous may be Einstein’s 1916 General Theory of Relativity which included the hypothesis that time slows as speed increases. Given that maximum speeds of that day were mere 200mph, this was an impossible experiment to prove. Now with extremely stable portable atomic clocks, it has been proved valid in long distance air travel as well as space flight.
As for the thrust of this author’s writing, you know that the general concept in ‘science’ is that almost anything is possible give enough time and the 4.5 billion years of the Solar System is an enormous amount of time. Yet, I find it kind of funny that the herd of ‘science’ fights so very hard to avoid anything that might be regarded as religious or metaphysical yet readily accepts the ‘Big Bang’ and inevitable existence of life!
The Left already embraces this idea as the destruction of life on Earth underlays many of its facets. PETA, BLM, Socialism, Communism, AI, organized crime, islam and the list goes on.
To them life is unnatural.
The Left already embraces this idea as the destruction of life on Earth underlays many of its facets. PETA, BLM, Socialism, Communism, AI, organized crime, islam and the list goes on.
To them life is unnatural.
Enlightening and profound. We should not exist. I agree.
...As if we, as part of the universe, were designed to comprehend itself.
Interesting fellow, God.