RULE 1:No snake is a loving pet.
Rule 2: Be wary of people who keep snakes.
That's true. As I told my daughter when she was 6 years old, snakes don't love. They're born alone and they live alone.
However, certain species are extremely docile, gentle and slow moving (i.e. ball pythons), and make excellent low-maintenance pets.
Rule 2: Be wary of people who keep snakes.
Funny, when I was looking for female companionship on dating sites, if a woman had a dog, that was a total and immediate deal killer for me. It's not that I dislike dogs, it's just that they're too needy and high-maintenance. The last thing I want to do is be out walking a dog at midnight on the cold, snowy days of New England winters. And they can be really annoying -- although they can also be cute and personable. (I'm talking about the dogs, not the women, although women can be cute and personable too in small doses).
Wheres certain species of snakes are like beautiful plants, but more interactive and fun to watch and handle.
So, to each his (or her) own, I guess.