American movies stink. Last movie we saw was the politically correct remake of the first Star Wars movie. Same basic plot line, but it really didn’t even make sense. Horrible movie.
When they remade “Ben Hur” last year, I knew in advance it would be a disaster and a bomb. I was right. The live action “Beauty and the Beast” is actually very good. The first two Star Trek’s were very entertaining, but I literally can’t remember almost anything about the the third Star Trek’s plot, not a good sign.
I recently watched the follow-up movie to Independence Day.
They tried to parallel events and lines in the script, but it didn’t work. The movie came across as too scripted and stilted.
Several years ago I watched a couple of the Twilight movies. One has the vamp falling in love with the girl. The next has the werewolf falling in love with the girl. It seemed that a quick search (vamp) and replace (with werewolf) and wallah! a new script for a new movie.
Well, if you’re pinning for some good TV stuff, try COZITV.
I’ve been watching it a lot lately .. usually when I can’t handle the constant replay of news.
everybody associated with it should be ashamed to cash their paycheck and never work again,,,
political correctness crammed into honored franchises mean low ratings and disaster at the box office.
it is “truth, justice, and the American way of life.”
NOT “truth, justice, and all that stuff”
Hollywood has no imagination, no creativity. If it’s not filthy, depraved, or nothing but special effects they have nothing.
Beautiful writing is dead, uplifting stories find no home, they don’t know us, how can they write for us?
James Bond has suffered very little from franchise fatigue over 5 decades now. So I guess subject matter plays a bigger role than just being a franchise.