Posted on 06/10/2017 3:55:42 PM PDT by Twotone
The American Spectators Kevin Kosar badgers the Toronto writer Adam McDowell.
Kevin Kosar: Congrats on the publication of Drinks: A Users Guide (Tarcher, 2016). Its a smart-looking book, and I enjoyed it. So hows the weather in Minnesota?
Adam McDowell: Its lovely, there are Canadian flags everywhere, people being very polite to each other.
Kosar: Wait . youre a Canadian? In Canada?
McDowell: Yes, born and raised in Toronto.
Kosar: Why?
McDowell: Ive never had a doctors bill in my life. Thats explanation enough.
Kosar: As a Canadian, I trust you consume barbarous quantities of drinks like Yukon Jack, Canadian Club, Molson, and Moosehead, right?
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
7 & 7 got really popular after Tony ordered them in Saturday Night Fever.
A friend of mine told me she answered how much is 7 and 7 by saying $2.50. The teacher asked why she answered that way. She said at her family’s bar a 7 and 7 is $2.50. This was true.
I liked the part about the ‘ad-hoctail.’ My preferred drink has always been some standard liquor (whiskey, gin, etc.) with whatever liqueur I had on hand. No need for anything terribly fancy.
Seagrams 7 and Seven Up? Probably the first mixed drink I ever heard of or tried back in the ‘60s.
Back when I leaned toward this sort of thing, I preferred a Jack & Ginger.
Now I mix classic cocktails and the occasional tiki drink. But quite often a simple scotch on the rocks is fine.
Mac (MacNaughton’s) and water here, please. Or maybe some Hennessy VSOP cognac with a cigar the size of a chair leg.
I drank 7 and 7 because they were easy to order after I got drunk.
Never forget the smell of the guy in the bunk above me barfing his guts out down to the deck. That smell and a stream of vomit streaming past me will be seared on my mind forever.
Up here it’s BV (Black Velvet) and ginger.
I don’t know who’s responsible for it, I’m just glad they did. My favorite drink!
But quite often a simple scotch on the rocks is fine.
Blaaaah......that’s what my Hub likes. I can drink a beer (which I hate) better than one swig of scotch.....;)
My college roommate always drank 7 and 7. I like the taste of alcohol so I quickly gravitated from mixed drinks to cocktails as they are all alcohol.
A couple of years ago I read an obscure novel entitled “John’s Eight.” The lead character was a cocktail afficianado so at the beginning of each chapter there was a gourmet cocktail recipe. I got hooked on Manhattan’s with rye and still use the recipe.
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