Yeah, right. Lying news. When the SR-71 was recruited and used by the military, a mach 3.5 aircraft, publicly, it ended up being turned into a spy plane because it ran over it’s own bullets and missiles. It also had a fuel limitation that it had to be refueled to go anywhere just short of cruising altitude right after takeoff.
Which brings to mind, without fuel, what type of range could this thing have? Judging by the picture of it, the body would have been had to be totally fuel and unable to carry any real strong type of payload, if at all, anyway.
The US has already started developing an air craft, the SR-72 to replace the semi-retired SR-71 at Lockheed/McDonald Douglas.
But it also is a spy plane carrying cameras with the exception of being unmanned. They originally retired the SR-71 due to a lack of need with the use of satellites. So they already have operational orbiting cameras.
At Mach 6 it wouldn't need a payload. The airframe itself is a Mach 6 projectile.
I'm thinking without fuel, it's range is 0.
Zoom in and take a good look. What looks to be the exhaust nozzle where the wings come straight back from the fuselage reminds me of something that would be mounted on a booster rocket of some sort. Makes sense. Rocket launched to get it up to speed, then operated as a hypersonic drone. No need for refuelling
Zoom in and take a good look. What looks to be the exhaust nozzle where the wings come straight back from the fuselage reminds me of something that would be mounted on a booster rocket of some sort. Makes sense. Rocket launched to get it up to speed, then operated as a hypersonic drone. No need for refuelling
Zoom in and take a good look. What looks to be the exhaust nozzle where the wings come straight back from the fuselage reminds me of something that would be mounted on a booster rocket of some sort. Makes sense. Rocket launched to get it up to speed, then operated as a hypersonic drone. No need for refuelling
Zoom in and take a good look. What looks to be the exhaust nozzle where the wings come straight back from the fuselage reminds me of something that would be mounted on a booster rocket of some sort. Makes sense. Rocket launched to get it up to speed, then operated as a hypersonic drone. No need for refuelling
Zoom in and take a good look. What looks to be the exhaust nozzle where the wings come straight back from the fuselage reminds me of something that would be mounted on a booster rocket of some sort. Makes sense. Rocket launched to get it up to speed, then operated as a hypersonic drone. No need for refuelling
Zoom in and take a good look. What looks to be the exhaust nozzle where the wings come straight back from the fuselage reminds me of something that would be mounted on a booster rocket of some sort. Makes sense. Rocket launched to get it up to speed, then operated as a hypersonic drone. No need for refuelling
Zoom in and take a good look. What looks to be the exhaust nozzle where the wings come straight back from the fuselage reminds me of something that would be mounted on a booster rocket of some sort. Makes sense. Rocket launched to get it up to speed, then operated as a hypersonic drone. No need for refuelling