My sister in law is the prime example of the modern entitled american woman. She whines about how hard her life is while sits on th couch flipping through magazines. Meanwhile my brother is doing the laundry.
Her days consists of going to gym, getting a massage, having lunch, going for a swim, taking a nap, ‘making’
dinner ( meaning ordering take out ) and lounging by the teevee at night.
2 thanksgivings ago, my brother had to go to work at 0700. We had a huge thanksgiving dinner with 15 people. Dishes stacked to the ceiling, guests all
gone, I go into kitchen and start cleaning up. Sister in law ‘oh don’t clean up, your brother will do that when he comes home from work’
You really need to talk to your brother.
Seriously. Especially if they do not have kids. For his own sake. He has to kmow on a fundamental level things are not right.
And don’t clean their damn dishes. Dont be a beta male either. Help your brother to stop being one too. Whether she leaves or stays is immaterial. ,if she stays she wanted him to be in control over her and the house, if she leaves she never saw him as a long term candidate and he is better off because he is free to find someone who will.
this is what I call the “stay in bed” mom. My husband’s ex shrew was one of these.