Florida is Grand Central Station for every insect on Earth. I still remember a 2 inch long roach falling into my tomato soup in Miami as a third grader.
I really hate to think about what was happening in the bed I’m about to use.
In florida, I’ve had hotels infested by iguanas and ibis.
Last year I had a flea problem. Nothing I could buy would kill them. I ended up giving the cats large and frequent dosses of systemic flea medicine and dusting every bit of the house with a powder that breaks open their shell. It took a very long time to get rid of them. I miss the days when you could spritz some spray around and be done with them. (I actually soaked a couple with insect “poison”. They swam free and hopped away.)
This is fear-mongering bullroar. Every couple of years, there’s some new “study” about how horrible hotels are. To listen to them, if you’ve ever stayed in a Holiday Inn, you’re dying of typhus, VD, and the trots.
That`s why I always travel with an anteater, a woodpecker and a couple of cats.
What do the stats look like when the DNC isn’t in town ?
Staying in a hotel in Baltimore one night and about 2 a.m. I had to go pee. Turned on the light and tons of cockroach’s scurried!! Immediately shook out everything in my suitcase, zipped it, and left the light one.
Ended up with a no charge night at the hotel but would have rather have one that was roach free.
Yeah, and then there’s the bed bugs too.
Big deal.
They are cute little guys.
But hey, Nick, you are famous for hating Trump.
Mice like Trump.
You mean demorats?
This is the reason I travel in my RV. Motels are nothing but havens for creepy crawlers, including the two legged variety.
Hotels are full of liberals?
Now is that the room you are staying in or the guests saying in the room next to you?
What a relief! It's only referring to rats, cockroaches and fleas...
For a minute I thought they were referring to Maxine, Daschle, Hillary and Pelosi supporters...