I bet 5 out of 5 home schooled kids can.
I'm not so sure. I raised 3 homeschooled children who never stepped into a government school or preschool. The youngest (brilliant mathematically and majoring in computer graphics) tells me he is unable to read analog watches.
He's known to exaggerate and profess things he does not believe "for effect." I wonder...
Santa Fe South is heavily Hispanico. Like completely.
I suppose this would depend on if their parents taught them, same for the non-home schooled kids.
I bet most kids can’t use an abacus or an old IBM selectric typewriter either especially changing the ribbon. I don’t think it matters a bit that kids don’t know how to read a clock. Not necessary today at all. 15 years ago I’d have to change 8 clocks throughout the house. Today not one of my clocks has hands to change. All digital and 5 change automatically. Most don’t have a grandfather clock anymore.