Agreed; Cruz ran the dirtiest presidential campaign in years and years; he showboats, his accomplishments are minimal but watch for his cult to come out for him.
Senator Tom Cotton, Iraq vet, Senator Mike Lee, Senator Rand Paul; there are a number of good Senators but we know the only one who knows the Constitution is Ted, that the only true Conservative is Ted, Mark Levin says so. Watch for the Cruz Cult to come out.
Agreed; Cruz ran the dirtiest presidential campaign in years and years; he showboats, his accomplishments are minimal but watch for his cult to come out for him.
most of the dirty tricks you people site as evidence of a dirty campaign are wrong or distorted.
Cruz is helping Trump more than most senators. You people need to get over your butthurt.
Trump was no saint in the primaries. You and Trump have no moral superiority over anyone.