Posted on 12/22/2016 3:51:46 AM PST by 2nd amendment mama
Whole Title: 'Get my work off your walls!': Ivanka Trump hit by protest from artists demanding their work be removed from her famous home because they're 'embarrassed' to be associated with her family
A growing group of artists is hitting back against Ivanka Trump, with some even demanding the president-elect's daughter take their work down off her walls.
A collection of New York artists have banded together to protest Donald Trump through his daughter, with a campaign called 'Dear Ivanka'.
The colorful crusade was created by the Halt Action Group, which was founded by curator Alison Gingeras, dealer Bill Powers, Jonathan Horowitz, and a group of others associated with the art scene, Bloomberg reports.
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Screw them.
These snowflakes are becoming tiresome.
Ivanka should do a special on OAN showcasing her home, prominently displaying those artists’ works.
Up yours, losers.
Auction them off at far market value to the liberals, let them put their money where their mouth is. Then do something awesome with money. If they won’t bid, then start publicizing the art on the walls for PR purposes.
Snowflakes seem nuclear on the concept of ownership and property.
Either give back what was spent on them or STFU.
Perhaps someday it will dawn on these leftists that this is a brand new crop of Republicans, that don't cower in fear of their petty protests and apologize, but instead fight back.
And what these artists are too stupid to realize is if she does that, demand for their work could SKYROCKET!!!
Haters gotta hate.
DO what they say and ask your father to get rid of the National Endowment for the Arts. If their artwork is that wonderful, they won’t even notice.
I bet they weren’t embarrassed when Ivanka overpaid these “artists” for their crap work! Laughed all the way to the bank.
Ivanka: “Give me my money back, first”!
Unreal — what a bunch of thuggish children.
She could put the “art” in jars of urine for special impact.
I’m enjoying these whack jobs lose it daily and showing their true’s very entertaining..yet pretty sad as well so many are so brainwashed
Maybe she should hold a public burning of their trash, and replace them with dogs playing poker, and velvet Elvis.
Sure, buy them back, with appreciation (their value surely increased), snowflake artists. Put your money where your mouths are, snowflakes.
Ivanka should publicly shred those “works of art”.
In general, they suck, and shredding will improve them considerably.
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