It really is one of THE MOST heretical books--on multiple levels--to come out of the evangelical world in a long time.
My sister in law came to our church when our sons were baptized. It was also the message in which our pastor made a comment about The Shack. It was something along the lines of I’ve read it, now you don’t have to-it’s way off.
She called me a few days later, upset about that comment as she and many others had really been helped by that book. Strange conversation as she is a believer. I was shocked at how easily believers could dismiss false theology as harmful. She just dismissed any legitimate concerns and focused on how it made people “feel”. Rather frightening.
Sounds like a lot of mega-churchs: Who cares about sin & repentance? God is your best friend. He loves you AS you are - which is quite different from loving you WHERE you are! No need to repent, no need to ask forgiveness, no need for Jesus...just be pals with God, who never makes any demands on you.
The answer God gave Job was far different. As was Job’s response:
I had heard rumors about You, but now my eyes have seen You.
Therefore I take back my words and repent in dust and ashes.