That slick road did not JUST happen, nor was it in that ONE SPOT ... every driver knew about the road condition at least 15 minutes ago and 5 miles ago
All this anger directed to one spot on a road that should have warned the drivers 5 mi and 15 minutes ago ... slow the hell down.
As a truck driver, I have the prerogative to refuse unsafe loads and refuse to drive in unsafe conditions and there's not a damned thing the company can do about it and we professionals listen to our inner driver.
Those comcast guys lacked that “inner driver” quality. They were criminally negligent.
Hats off to you for not having 3 points and you are fired for 4. There are several employers that run the point system down there. Being late is a point.
On top of that weather forecasts had not predicted this. There was no precipitation in the forecast. People had no idea they had to get up early.
Bottom line, comcast is liable in a big way. You can not shut down a 2 lane road without flaggers.
In my subdivision (Same legal jurisdiction) where during the day there may be 1 car every half an hour when they were repaving it this fall, flaggers. 100% of the time. Easy to get 3 cars abreast here too. It is the law here.