December 11. Went to La Traviata. . . . Traviata is utter drivel. I could write as bad an opera myself. To call it bad is to do it more than justice; it has not strength enough to stand alone or to be anything. It is definable by the negation of every good quality.
The Diary of George Templeton Strong, Edited by Allan Nevins and Milton Halsey Thomas
Strong was not alone in giving thumbs down to Verdis masterpiece during the early years (it was first performed in 1853). The following Wikipedia entry, to my surprise, cites George Templeton Strongs diary, but not the same entry I posted above. What goes on? In the editors preface it says, And though we give numerous excerpts from his discriminating criticism of concerts, oratorios, and operas, again an interesting volume of musical comment could and some day will be compiled from the diary. Maybe that volume of musical comment was indeed published and that is where the citation comes from.
December 18. Very great big party at William B Astors Monday night, and another last night at John C. Hamiltons. Both were favorable specimens of their bad class, particularly the former.
The Diary of George Templeton Strong, Edited by Allan Nevins and Milton Halsey Thomas
George and Ellie get invited to the A list parties.