Remember, it’s legal to kill someone who tries to first kill you.
Chill. Worrying about 2020 can wait for a few months.
Might I suggest you read this:
Have faith, the left in this country suffered a huge defeat considering just how everything was stacked up against Trump. The fix WAS in but enough Americans answered the call to overcome their stacked deck.
The leftists in charge understand what a huge defeat it was. With most of them being godless, they cannot understand the Divine Intervention we witnessed in this election. They have been humbled but they are too arrogant to understand.
Of course, we cannot sit back and let them regroup but I do think we now have a President who will put successful policies in place, and go after their corruption that will make in more difficult for them to regroup.
Yes, I’m in agreement with you, it doesn’t hurt to continue to pray for our nation and for Donald Trump to do the right things for our nation, abiding by our Constitution. Continue to have faith.
Let’s get President-elect Trump inaugurated before we start:
Take out the illegal alien votes and she didn’t win the popular vote. Over 700,000 illegals were registered to vote automatically when they got their drivers licenses. We just need to get rid of voter fraud in the states, and start now, not a few months before the next election.
While I agree that we need to continue in prayer for our nation to the same degree that we prayed for this election, I think Trump will prove himself and win many over.
However, the enemy will not take it lying down and will fight it every step of the way.
We do need a nationwide revival. A true revival of repentance and turning from evil TO Christ.
Otherwise I do think that at the end of this we will just pick up where we left off on Nov 7 and won’t get another chance. It will go downhill fast.
well, starting now we do our part to help gently (or however) educate these young people that voted for Hillary or newly coming tin the voting pool.
I know what it’s like to have God choose to have you be a warning voice, but flip it from warning those in the choir to helping educate those not yet in the choir :)
God not only wants us to pray but to actively be doing our best each day.
It is a good thing to remember.
Keep praying.
Keep trusting.
Keep funding...Project Veritas, Freep, Jay Sekalow, and others...
Call out Republican turncoat.
Also let’s watch for new media trends and methods and get behind them.
Get bigger wattage lights to keep the commies identified and exposed.
A few things that are already won:
The media is dying, and likely the landscape of media and public opinion will be alien to us in 4 years.
Trump will pick at least one, and likely more SCOTUS appointments during his time.
We control all houses of government at that point.
With voting under control with illegals, and hopefully districting we will see honest numbers coming our way.
All that needs to happen now are employment figures to return and we’ll be doing just fine. But even with good employment environments, welfare must be curbed now. Libs don’t want to work. They’ll need to be forced into it.
And all WE need to do is start a business. If anyone starts a business during the next year the stage is set.
American DESPERATELY need to embrace alternatives to what is called the “mainstream media”, but which actually is the lying press, Lie TV, and the Lyington Post!!!!
Donad Trump will never be popular with the lying media. But if it goes out of business, and is replaced by alternatives that inform people much better, and which even invite the people’s participation, it won’t matter!!!!
Did you never heed advice to stay in the day?
I’m no bible expert, but didn’t Jesus say enough worries for today. Tomorrow will take care of itself.
I’ll give you a real fear. My wife working right next to Columbus Circle in Manhattan where these animals protest more and more violently every night.
Stop worrying about 1400 days from now and pray for today.
BTW, if anything happens to her and other Trump supporters, there aren’t enough police in NYC to stop me and others from inflicting major damage on the rioters.
They “found out” that my wife voted for Trump at her new job. She hasn’t been harassed but she is given the cold shoulder and they talk about violence in the future possibly being necessary against Trump voters.
I told my wife to tell them her husband is an animal when he gets mad and they wouldn’t know what the #### hit them while they’re rushed to the ER, if she was touched.
You are right. We dodged a bullet. Prayers and alot of work is necessary to win the next one. The odds are not in our favor unless we open the eyes of many. We have 4 years.
Wait till 2018 when Trump will have accomplished more in one year than the past 10 Presidents combined. You do not know this guy, I do. I’ve known Trump since the early 80s. All he does is work. He sleeps 3 - 4 hours a night and then he gets back to work. That’s all he does because he loves it, and he loves to problem solve and win which is why I’ve been saying all year if he lost this election it would have been the biggest missed opportunity in US history. To me the reason the guy wanted to be President in the first place is simply because he saw a great opportunity to problem solve, it’s as simply as that. He is going to absolute blow peoples minds and when that happens, let see how eager the left is to get him out of office. When he won, I got down on my knees and said Glory Hallelujah because this country just won the jackpot.
Just take a look at the red map.....we just need to turn a few cities red.
You posted very good and valid points. Trump is not God, but God can use him. We cannot make the mistake of sitting on our laurels; I can promise you that the left maggots may have taken off a few days to cry and weep, but they will regroup soon. Satan is the ruler of this world and he has many followers. These people do not see this election as a total defeat; only as a setback. They will learn from it and come back at us with everything they’ve got. We have to be ready to fight them for this country; and we can’t do that until we have humbled ourselves and turned our hearts back to God. We must allow Him to fight for us. I have a prayer book with Donald Trump’s name in it, and I willbe petitioning God every day to keep President Trump safe and to give him wisdom.
*****Trump will assume office as won of the most dispised figures to ever assume office.******
an eye thort I wuz bed.
Rebuttal: Trump will appoint a new Supreme Court Justice very soon. By 2019, he might have appointed two. Look for long-overdue efforts succeeding by 2020 to reduce systemic voter fraud.
2) In the 2020 election, and estimated 5,000,000 more millineals (now currently ages 14-17) will be in the election force. ... another 3,000,000 current senior are estimated pass on before the 2020 election. So the 2020 electorate will be significantly heavier Democrat.
Rebuttal: A vigorous enforcement of the borders will reduce the entry of new illegals, and the least bit of improvement in enforcement of existing laws will lead to the reduction of illegals currently registered to vote.
4) Trump will assume office as won of the most despised figures to ever assume office. ... How much will those unfavorable numbers affect congress and lead them to stonewall his agenda.
Rebuttal: Republicans have majorities in both the House and in the Senate. They're done with futile "symbolic votes", that they know will be vetoed.
3) Trump, no matter how much he achieves to make America Great Again, will never be popular. Social Media, the Mainstream Media and the Celebrity Culture so embraced by millineals will keep the President under constant attack...
Rebuttal: And he beat all of that to get elected, which is universally being described as the greatest political upset in American history. The Democratic party is in tatters, the MSM has been officially discredited, and the corruption and collusion between them that we had only talked about has been proven to all.
4) Godlessness is continuing to grow among the electorate. This year had the highest number of Athiests and non Christian based religions participating (28%).
Rebuttal: Trump got a slightly smaller percentage of the Evangelical vote than Romney did. The few topics that he covered in his speeches regarding religion -- e.g., no persecution of Christian bakers, no forcing nuns to buy abortifacents -- are back-to-basics Constitutional issues of church-and-state and freedom of religion.
5) Barack 0bama is leaving office more popular than ever. Hos approval ratings are nearing the 60% mark and in one poll a majority (54%) would have preferred a third term over either Trump or Hillary.
Rebuttal: Obama's gone, and God willing, we won't see his like again. The current Democratic "bench" shows no rising stars. By the end of Trump's first year, Obama's "legacy" of Obamacare, EPA overreach, transgender bathrooms, and class warfare will be laid waste.