Excellent posting
Reagan was the same way. He just got shot and was joking on the operating table asking if the Doctor was a Republican. And Hillary goes into a profanity laced screeching rant if a secret service guy even says “Good morning” to her.
Donald Trump is, like Teddy Roosevelt, fit as a Bull Moose.
Mr Roosevelt was the driving force behind the progressives, kinda the beginings of the big gubmint era we now enjoy. I am not a fan of him, or any other progressive.
Remember the okeefe tapes.
Last night’s event was likely staged.
Up to and including the guy who yelled—he’s got a gun!
Can anyone find any background on who was arrested and released for the incident?
Remember the okeefe tapes.
Last night’s event was likely staged.
Up to and including the guy who yelled—he’s got a gun!
Can anyone find any background on who was arrested and released for the incident?
Youtube has a recording of TR speaking. Great speaking voice.
Teddy was a tough SOB.
Two important notes:
Realizing that he was not dangerously wounded, TR was utterly thrilled and enthusiastic about giving his speech, knowing that it would rivet the audience like nothing else. Such an event might be the deciding factor in getting elected.
Second, at the time, the works of the German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche (1844-1900) had not been either translated or published in the US. TR was multilingual, and though he could not speak German well, he could read and understand it at an advanced level.
As did the famous American author H.L. Mencken, a man who did not care for TR, yet was very familiar with the writings of Nietzsche, among many other things.
So when TR gave a speech, H.L. Mencken recognized that TR was plagiarizing Nietzsche at length.
At the time, it would have been dangerous to openly criticize TR, so instead this popular and widely sold author created a “vanity press”, intended to be given, not sold, to friends of his. It was simply organized.
On one page was text from a speech by TR, and on the opposite page, Mencken-translated text from Nietzsche, showing the nearly identical comparison of the two.
So why does this matter?
It is frequently noted that both TR and Woodrow Wilson were “progressives”. But what is seldom noted is that while Wilson was of a variety of “socialist progressive”, TR’s leanings were to those of a “national socialist progressive”.
Both craved the concentration of power at the federal level. However, while Wilson embraced such flawed ideas as internationalism, the creation of his “League of Nations”, which in its way was even worse than the United Nations; TR embraced enlarging and expanding the national power of the United States, perhaps correctly seeing the other world powers as devoted nationalists themselves, who would become dominant unless the United States became dominant.
It is a good idea to read Nietzsche, to learn what all of the fuss is about.