Sperm burping gutter sluts.
And what you call the AWOL fathers of these doomed infants?
If they really were sperm-burping they wouldn't have needed an abortion.
Actually, almost half of them are already mothers ---they already have children --- and a not-insignificant number of them are married.
Not that they are good mothers to the developing babies whom they murder! I am not saying this to get them off the hook, in terms of personal moral responsibility.
I would say, though, that if you tend to character abortion-seeking women as obviously defective, skanky-looking-or-talking females (visually or sociologically identifiable as not-like-us) you tend to miss the reality that about one-in-three American women will intentionally abort a baby by age 45, and some of these women are in the same zip code, the same church, or the same family as ourselves.