Your score is 33 out of 36
How did others do on this test?
The average score is 26. But we found that not everyone does the same on this test:
Women, on average, score half a point higher than men.
Young people under 18 score substantially lower than adults.
Does this test work equally well for all people around the world?
This test was developed in Great Britain and the images you saw were taken from British magazines in 1990’s. Unsurprisingly, the test doesn’t work perfectly for people who are not native speakers of English or for people who come from cultures that are very different from Britain’s.
26 out of 36; but I tend to judge people more on their actions than their faces.
When they were staring off at the distance, I thought they were preoccupied or contemplative.
I am good at judging the mood of others, but horrible in being overly feisty in response.
Take Hillary Clinton for example.