There should at least be an official protocol and procedures for CHL-holders to assist LEO’s in protecting their six from a distance during traffic stops, etc. I don’t mean engaging or interfering in any direct law enforcement activity ... unless requested to do so.
No one ever mentions accuracy and credentials in these matters. Most of the Testosterone-Tommies I’ve seen who can’t hit a paper plate at 7 yards on a square range, would end up shooting more innocents than bad guys.
Such a protocol already exists. It is called Auxiliary Police and they are found all over the world and the United States. Do a Google search of Auxiliary Police.
Sometimes they are paid and sometimes they are volunteers.
The big objections to auxiliary police is that they don't receive enough training or psychological testing to weed out the ego trippers.
The most infamous auxiliary force in the US is Joe Arpaio's "Posse" which was originally made up of Minute Men and was created to chase illegals around Maricopa County, AZ.
Our county sheriff has an unofficial and official policy, to be chosen from as circumstances dictate.
His unofficial policy in the event of a disaster, long-term emergency, or other more serious than usual problem, is that he's had each deputy designate a *buddy,* sometimes a retired fellow cop, sometimes a brother or brother-in-law, often a neighbor or veteran, available to ride along, drive, or run the radio in the event of a situation stretching out over more than a day or two... or worse.
And, on the possibility that things could get worse than that, he's officially requested our county commissioners to okay the establishment of an emergency fund of about $2000, not even the replacement cost of a new vehicle, and which will be set up by donation, costing the taxpayers nothing.
In the event of a REALLY bad disaster or event requiring a really large posse, that'll be enough to deputize and pay every registered voter in our county at a rate of a dollar per year. I reckon if such an event were to extend longer than that, dollars wouldn't count for much anyway....