Oh yeah. I grew up in Holliston. I remember taking tours of the Carling brewery many years ago. And the Clicquot Club factory in Mills too.
Saturdays were for heading to the Sears Catalog pickup area next to the Wonder bread factory so Dad could pick up his orders and such. Then, if there was nothing else we needed ar Sears, we'd head across the way to Wonder and get the coming week's baked goods.
That's way back when the Natick Drive-In was fairly new and was right across Speen street. But, that's all gone now.
Dang, I grew up in Natick, just around the corner from the future Sears store and wound up living in my last MA house in Holliston.
I’ve posted before, that I recall Rte 9 and Speen St when one was a two lane, the other was a single and both were ‘controlled’ by a single swinging yellow flashing light.
Carlings had the conspiracy about a flying saucer due to the brew tank in the big window by the lake/waterfall.
Holliston, the mink farm on Marshall St, where the unauthorized military overflight caused the minks to escape.