Yes, precautions, but there is no advantage gained for these people by lying -- we should go on an all-out movement to bring these people to Christ
Yes, precautions, but there is no advantage gained for these people by lying — we should go on an all-out movement to bring these people to Christ
I don’t know about in Germany but our government pays a lot of money for certain church affiliatiated groups to house and set up on welfare illegal immigrants and refugees.
These organizations receive financial gain by doing the government’s dirty work. Positive spin helps keep the money flowing. These groups also have restrictions about being able to discuss their faith.
Catholic Charities receives over $2 billion per year of taxpayer money. They’re not the only religious affiliated group receiving money. That’s a lot of money. They could be motivated by the money so that is why I have questions about it.
That said, I hope we convert every one of them to Christianity.