I live in Chicagoland—been constant news coverage of the heinous lines at both Midway and O’hare. My 2 closest friends hurried off to the TSA pre-check screening offices to pay their $85 and get finger printed.
As I stated before...2 of my family members received pre-check randomly on their tickets but had not paid or gone thru the interview process. They had a 6:00 a.m. flight out of O’hare a week ago, May 20, and they said they got thru pre-check in 15 minutes, however, had they gone regular TSA, they would have missed flight.
Seems TSA told everyone to be at airport at least 3 hours early, problem is that TSA does not arrive at airport until 4:00 a.m. and neither do most airlines, so there was a large backup at TSA before they even opened.
So I have mixed emotions about paying for pre-check when I have heard that it is not a guarantee (tho I did hear the World Traveler was more of guarantee for $100). I also don’t like more government data-basing, and I do wonder if lines for pre-check will swell over next few months ...
The pre-check screening is being farmed out to private companies, I don’t know why airports and airlines didn’t insist on privatizing TSA—instead they are now union—and so no incentive for efficiency except that now the news media and general public is screaming for it, so something might get done.
How would you seen profiling being instituted? Again, I worry about more data collection of private, law-abiding citizens—As with Conceal Carry—the law abiding citizens are providing all the information, it is the criminals who don’t and purchase illegal weapons!
As is, everything this government does around "airline security" is complete BULLSHIT.
PROFILING WORKS --- ask the Israeli's.