These types of testimonials are lagniappe.
Never heard of the word "lagniappe" before.
So I've learned something today - thanks.
I’m going to respectfully disagree. For one, when you (generic you) respond to jousts, you become partially defined by the jouster. In this instance, there is this truly weird conjunction of G. Beck going full bore nutcase on Trump. So to me, rather than try to associate Cruz Sr with LHO which is out there in the stratosphere (even if it’s true and I don’t know nor care) it would be far more canny to just shunt Cruz Sr and Beck into a revival tent and offer to pay for it so they can start their own religion.
The country and most of the people whom Trump would like to attract who remain uncommitted utterly detest religion of any kind. Like it or not. So if THAT association can be made, it would in my mind be far more effective. It’s much more effective to implant an idea in someone’s mind if they themselves somehow come up with the desired conclusion rather than having it hammered into their head.
That was a fun new word. Lagniappe. A Bakers dozen, or extra small something added to a gift etc. Just looked it up. I do not recall ever hearing it before tho have not spent a lot of time in an area where it would be more common.