That’s pretty much my take on it as well.
The caucuses are pretty much run by party insiders. The GOPe doesn’t want Trump, so they hope to keep him from the 1237 delegates.
The other side will argue open primaries are allowing Democrats to influence our nominee. They may be right. On the other hand, we wanted blue dog Democrats.
It’s a strange situation.
Its tough call time for me and I’m considering voting for Trump here in Pennsylvania on April 26th even though I’ve sent Cruz money and don’t wish him ill or hate him.
I think Ted’s becoming a tool of the GOPe and he needs to take on some tough issues like balancing the budget for starters.
One Trump delegate has come out from the phoney baloney ‘uncommitted’ delegate election process of the Pennsylvania GOPe in my congressional district, so I can support him, too.
I know a lot of the candidates so I guessed him as a Trump guy. I was right.
I have to decide who the other two candidates in my district for delegate I will vote for.
Trump may get ‘bound’ delegates (14) picked by the GOPe for winning the popular vote, but he needs real delegates committed to him all the way for the fight ahead in Cleveland.
In the maze of the ‘uncommitted’ candidates on the ballot in each congressional district for delegates, there are committed Trump supporters.
Cruz can’t get any crossover votes, so HOW does he and his supporters still believe that he cam beat any Dem nominee?