Get your postcards ready to go. First one to go out tomorrow, April 4, 2016.
What does it mean “No Trump, No Vote”?
Does it mean to stay home?
Staying home means Hillary gets it which is just fine with the GOP establishment.
I will urge a 3rd Party vote before staying home.
Trump or I stay home.
That tweet excerpt looks to have been modified to appear to come from the Trump campaign.
I like the notion. I don’t like the misleading tweet.
I’m going to add to mine “Rogers v. Bellei,” which is a 1971 SCOTUS case that shows all persons born abroad, even “citizens at birth due to act of Congress,” are naturalized.
I am in! Another about as many Cruz and Trump supporters as possible show up at the convention...and demand fair treatment for our candidates and really us. Peaceful protest in the model of Tea Party protests of a few years ago.
I am in for postcards and protests. I wonder on the postcards though...maybe we should send them to the RNC rather than Paul Ryan who may have interest in becoming President. Pleibus is the man who can actually make sure things are “fair” for our candidates.
The Republicans screwed us twice. They lied to us to get our votes and then stabbed us in the back. It happened 8 years ago and the 4 years ago. NEVER AGAIN!
We are becoming desperate to maintain the way of life and morals we had in the 50’s but the erosion of that quality of life has been sold to the highest bidder for votes followed up by lies.
Granted, technology is much greater but morality and responsibility for one’s own actions is far, far worse. We have grown from depending upon ourselves to depending on the government and the Norman Rockwell’s America has been totally trashed in the name of political correctness.
I’m old now and hope I won’t be around to see the end of the story of the America I once knew...and it will certainly come soon thanks to our millennial generation, the women’s movement, and our Republican Party becoming a pseudo Democrat Party.
No form of government has ever survived in history and this government will soon go down in the history books as a repeat of the failures of all governments of the past.
Why? The answer is simple: Politicians stay in office by “doing the will of the people”. As time goes by laws, policies, rules and a whole host of “goodies” are thrown to the people to ensure votes. With each bag of goodies comes a string...they must vote for the giving party or politician to get these goodies. It’s kind of like baiting hogs into the trap. However, once the door slams down it cannot be reopened and the recipient of the goodie will watch his freedoms die.
We have come to this point and it may be impossible to at least change this direction we now take for a short while in our future history...but the day will certainly come...and soon it seems.
I’ll send a few. What could it hurt.
I’m sure that will turn GOPe thinking around....
I am all for this campaign. Keep in mind, though, the RINOs want Hillary elected so basically these cards are giving them good news! The more we fracture, the closer they are to their goal...
Not to rain on your parade, and I could be wrong, but I just can’t see that many people doing it. As Mondays go by less and less post cards will be mailed. I understand the impact of snail mail vs email, but if you provided a link to an e card everyone would click it NOW! and every Monday or however many times you post it. People are lazy, even when their country is at stake.
Less impact, yes. But a much larger response. Just my two cents.
Ping for Monday.
Oh postcards will really frighten them. Heck I’ll bet they pee their pants laughing so hard.
Great idea, using the “Trump” card!
That should be sent to the RNC, not Ryan.
I’m in.