Posted on 01/30/2016 4:06:49 PM PST by SampleMan
Norwegian thriller Occupied has been condemned by Moscow and is likely to tap into fears in Scandinavian countries of Russian aggression
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The weak Norwegian government, that wanted to save the world from climate change, sucks and the Norwegian people and military begin a resistance movement against the "cooperative Russian occupation".
I recommend it.
I hope there’s a second season,in the last episode things were starting to get interesting.
Thanks just saved it to my Netflix queue. Enjoyed the Netflix series Lilyhammer which also takes place in Norway and is sort of a Sopranos spinoff.
So Europeans are supposed to be terrified of a Russian invasion, yet tolerant of an Arab one.
Just binge-watched the FULL season 1 on Netflix, finished last night.
It paints a highly plausible scenario, chilling and compelling.
Many times I considered Prime Minister Berg as a born-again Quisling —it’s amazing nobody in the film flung that insult at him.
I also thought the main character —a Secret Service guy who is suddenly called on to play greater and greater roles in dealing with the Russians— was cracked up to be a kind of hero, though in my opinion he was pretty much a collaborator.
I think 95% of Freepers would immediately identify with the “Free Norway” group within one or two episodes.
There are 10 episodes in season 1, and I believe the last one is the best.
I really REALLY hope they do another season, I liked this much more than The Walking Dead.
Norway is being invaded right now. They better get their act together and expel the Muslims — or a Soviet takeover will look like a good deal.
I was in Norway in 1979.
I asked if they were concerned about the Soviets with a shared border and all.
“The Russians? No - we’ve never had a problem with them. Germans though....” One relative had been in the Norwegian Resistance. Not even his family knew anything other than that. “For the Nazis it is not very long ago.”
Another part of the series I found credible was the two-faced nature of America’s allegiance to Norway:
1. “Hey, ANYTHING we can do to help, ole buddy, ole pal..! You are our DEAR ALLIES FOREVER..! LOVE YA..!”
Followed 10 minutes later by...
2. “Get the hell off my property..!”
Those two are put nearly side-by-side in this series. The US Ambassador is a cold, white homosexual, but it was very easy for me to see him as a thinly-veiled stand-in for our own POTUS:
“I will work tirelessly, I will not rest until....blah, blah, blah...”
It burns horribly, but yeah, I consider this a very apt assessment of nearly EVERY allegiance we used to have, and (sorta) have now.
If a fiction writer from NORWAY cracks it up that way, how might a writer from, say, Britain, cast the relationship..?
Or Taiwan..?
Or Israel..?
My suspicion is the gloves would come flying off in a microsecond.
I’d recommend this series to all Freepers.
They should get real and show the islam invasion taking place right now. You can not allow islam to survive in a modern society.
Russia ain’t the problem, islam is.
Watching it now. Looks pretty good.
Is it in English?
It it subtitled into English, no voice dubbing.
That was one of the few objections I had to this series:
At a couple junctures they sort of pander to the whole recent Muslim immigration subject —they are very careful to show the positive input by a Somali working mother judge in Norway, for example.
That’s actually fine by me, but they go a little overboard, IMO.
I, too, would have liked it more if they had spent a little more realistic mindshare on that important topic.
BOTH are. And Ted Cruz 'gets it' on the complex situation in Syria, regarding Russia's broader (expansionist) agenda there, and elsewhere. Trump either doesn't or is in cahoots with Putin on it. Putin's aim is to basically restore the Soviet Union. But something tells me you already knew this.
Ted Cruz on ISIS, Russia, Obama, missile defense, and the New START Treaty with Russia...
"If we want to actually dismantle ISIS, we need to dramatically change course. We need a real, robust campaign that maximizes our overwhelming air advantage.
We need to focus our efforts not on trying to create friends, but on supporting our real ones, especially the Kurds in Iraq and Syria who have actually had success against ISIS."
"We can redouble our efforts to develop the defensive weapons that neutralized the offensive Soviet threat -- particularly missile defense, which has seen a 25% budget reduction under Obama, according to an analysis from the conservative Heritage Foundation, and has been constrained by bad arms deals like New START.
We should not only move quickly to install the canceled interceptor sites Putin opposed in Poland and the Czech Republic, but also to develop the next generation of systems that will only increase his discomfiture.
These options do not entail a ground war in Syria, yet would effectively shake us free from the failed policies that have brought us to our current impasse.
These options set us on a new path that puts Putin on notice that the United States is reclaiming our traditional role as leader of the free world."
"I think it would be a mistake to get involved in the Syrian civil war. There have been voices in Washington eager for us to send our sons and daughters over to fight that civil war for some time. I haven't been one of them. I think the touchstone of U.S. military policy should be protecting the national security of this country."
"What we're seeing Putin in Russia do is a direct response to the profound weakness of Obama over six and a half years.
Putin views Obama as weak, as ineffective, and frankly, as a laughingstock. And, as a result, he is moving in, he is invading his neighbors, like Ukraine, he's kidnapping Estonians, and he's moving into Syria to gain a stronger foothold in the Middle East."
It subtitled. However, whenever they are talking between nationalities they speak in English.
I’ve never been very good with German, but I was surprised at how quickly I was picking up on the Norwegian.
This drama has been done before. Ask the Finns about a Russian invasion.
They are the same problem- Russia is behind the driving of refugees into Europe with the help of destabilization of countries by its foreign agents. They stir up infighting and civil unrest, mass migration follows. Nobody flees to Russia or any of its allies for refuge,
so the pressure is all against western countries. Win win for Putin and western communists too.
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