Unreal! I just saw that in my Facebook news feed...
WHAT!!! That’s crazy!!!
Google is the Nazi propaganda enforcer. They are the Super-Stasi. (Liberal San Fransisco based Google owns Youtube.)
Is there a non bootlicking equivalent to Tyrannytube?
I’ve seen this guy’s videos quite a few times.
Why would it be suspended?
Everything I saw, he was demonstrating good firearms handling and safe shooting practices.
OK, I’m stupid about these things, but why does anyone need youtube? Aren’t there other sites or even your own website that can handle videos?
The guy seemed harmless enough to me. All he did was demonstrate different firearms. “Clang, clang, clang, clang. Sad.
Apparently, Google + is more sensitive about firearms related postings and such. I never use Google+ and did not even realize the videos were being posted over there, I guess. I will keep you posted via Facebook here and the Hickok45andson channel. I have communicated with YouTube via email this morning, and hopefully, we’ll be able to get the channel back up soon. I had just posted a new video.
Does anyone know any facts behind this ?
Youtube and facebook are instruments of the left.
I was just watching one of his videos last night.
Hickok45 Channel ? Read His Facebook
Published on Jan 6, 2016
Hickok45 is updating on facebook.
“Seems mighty suspicious that it gets canceled right after Hussein’s speech.”
Did he perhaps record an angry response that violated the TOS? A lot of us were pretty PO’d yesterday....
If Trump was smart, he would get Hickock up on stage with him at one of his rallies, maybe in Nashville to raise the roof on google and youtube.
Really?! He has/had the very best firearm videos available!
For later....
Coordintation of the collectives.
We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more - we had no awareness of the real situation - We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward. - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
That really sucks. Whenever I’m getting ready for a new purchase I always search his video’s to get his opinion on it. His videos are also just plain fun to watch. I would love to have a range like that in my backyard.