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Posted on 01/01/2016 6:28:16 PM PST by KC_Lion
History has proven time and again that Utopia cannot be achieved on this earth.
We can strive to build a better U.S.A. but it will never be perfect.
Others don't see it that way, Communist or Islamist, Collectivist and Statist, they believe their dreams can be achieved in this life.
They only need to remove those who oppose them.
By whatever means necessary.
That flies in the face of Americanism that we all share.
So, out of Many Ideas, Peoples and Cultures, will we be one? (E Pluribus Unum)
Or will we be improvised divided groups living in East German-esq rundown rolling blackout cities where loudspeakers hollowly broadcast "Workers of the world, unite!"
Is The Sun Setting on America?
Or Rising on a New Morning?
Boy were we right.
Will more Baltimore Riots come to America?
Let's not forget Skyrocketing Fee's for Not Purchasing Something, in this case, Health Insurance, A Tax on existing, the very antithesis of Liberty.
What will become of the Tensions between Turkey and Russia?
What will unfold next in the Syrian Civil War? A War which has now precipitated an Invasion and War in Europe and America has suffered as well.
I predict a Camp of the Saints scenario coming to a Western Country near YOU in 2016.
Is The Sun Setting on America?
Or Rising on a New Morning?
I Predict American CAN be great again!
Ping to the List Lucy!
I predict one improvement to the Threat Matrix in 2016, and it’s a big one. By the end of this year, the biggest individual threat to America in our history will be on his way out of our White House. Thank God!
He’s not out until January 2017, and that is if something funny doesn’t go down.
Until the moving van has reggie love and her fatassness and her momma in it, i won’t believe he’s outta there.
I really recommend reading Catastrophic Failure by Stephen Coughlin. The situation with the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House is even worse than we imagined.
Bookmark for later.
Thanks so much for doing this. Much appreciated.
Welcome to Threat Matrix 2016.
Thank you, KC_Lion; excellent introduction.
Threat Matrix 2015:
Links to previous Threat Matrix threads, beginning November 3, 2003:
Snip: Heidi Mund Christian activist has been accused of agitation of the people towards violence. She did no such thing. Heidi Mund spoke out against Muslim prayer in a Christian church (see video below). If this woman is imprisoned it marks a turning point for Germany.
Four out of Five of the leading non-ISIS terrorist threats for 2016 are also Islamic terrorists
Snip: The next time a Muslim tries to reassure you that the number of terrorists among the Muslim population is insignificant, just an itsy, bitsy, teeny, tiny 1 percent of all Muslims, remind them that that 1 percent means there are 15 million Muslims in the world who are trying to kill you and turn your country into an Islamic state.
Snip: Well Grouchy, youll be happy to hear that car torchings in Paris on New Years Eve totaled only 804 which is 14.5% percent less than last year (940) and more than 20% fewer than in 2014 (1,067) and 2013 (1,193) no doubt due to the tens of thousands of French security personnel who were in the streets to prevent another Islamic terrorist attack.
The biggest threat is complacency. True, many are awake, but not enough. First, we must realize that we no longer live in a constitutional republic. Like the Romans at the beginning of the empire, our government institutions are mere facade like the Roman Senate. Unfortunately those asleep at this time won’t wake up until it affects them directly.
What should we do now? Work at the state and local level. Identify politicians at these levels that will and those that won’t resist Federal tyranny. Make efforts to continue individual preparation efforts and reach out to the like minded to create support groups (physical and spiritual) when the crisis eventually arrives. Resist bureaucracy and government in general. Wherever possible, throw sand in the gears of government, jury nullification, expose corruption and use the information as leverage.
....”the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House is even worse than we imagined.”.....
Yes indeed.....and not just the White House....they are operating throughout the world in Government positions elsewhere. Unfortunately it’s my opinion that the NWO Elites intend to include them since they have to have representation because of the ME oil wealth, but because the ME countries are so divided among the leaders the solution is to use the Muslim Brotherhood since they are the most unified and in operation in all ME countries.
Happy New Year.....
Just a few incidents from police etc. officials on the ground there, about the Muslim Refugees behavior etc.....and there are scads more which the media over there is banned from reporting....BTW....German citizens aren’t taking this lightly....At least 817 attacks on refugee shelters have been carried out in 2015, according to Germanyâs Criminal Police Office statistics, which were made public during a parliamentary session .. In contrast, there were only 199 similar crimes recorded in 2014.
....In Stockach, a 20-year-old man who works as ‘a security guard at a refugee camp’ containing more than 1,000 migrants said the camp is a mix between a pigsty and a war zone.....he witnessed migrants refuse to use the portable toilets and, instead, take care of business in the corner of the room or behind furniture. The camp was filthy. There was also rampant sexual abuse, rape, fights and knifings, and regular clashes between religious and ethnic foes.
..... ‘A police officer in Germany’ and a best-selling author. In a recent radio interview, i discussed the migrants and Germany’s deteriorating security situation saying....”For weeks, months and years I have noticed that Muslims, mostly young men, do not have even a minimum level of respect for the police.,” .... “When we are out patrolling the streets, we are verbally abused by young Muslims.”
......Another ‘security guard in Stockach’ relayed an incident in which 30 to 40 refugees visited the local grocery store, filled their trolleys with food, and then left without paying.The police were overwhelmed and did nothing.
.......On another occasion, 50 police vehicles had to be called to one migrant camp to break up a massive fight between migrants from rival religious factions.
In Hanover an ‘owner of a butchers shop’ in a small village, is daily visited by migrants, often behaving rudely and aggressively, ‘expecting free food’....Incidents like this occur daily.
Threat Matrix
Splendid introduction! (((KC_Lion)))
I don't believe there is any chance in the world that Obama would try to stay past his term's expiration date. He knows that he would be in immediate and exceptionally grave danger even if he claimed staying just a little extra time was because of a "temporary" emergency.
Here's praying for the ability to band together to get our best hope elected despite some of the idealistic issues some have...
Now for a short public service announcement to all on FR:
We need to ensure we don't get another Obama-like America Hater as the next President.
The best way to ensure that is to actively support a candidate as the next President.
I prefer Cruz and my money goes to his campaign, hence the Cruz link. If you like someone else, donate to him/her (find your own link to do it) and if you use FR and don't donate, then please don't complain about the welfare leeches or those who have Obama Phones because, functionally, you are no different than any other who enjoys the fruits of others' work for your own benefit.
PS - If you are one of those who cannot afford even a small donation to FR or a candidate, God Bless and happy FReeping!.....
GO CRUZ!! Keep it up Trump!!
Thanks for the post; ping.
Be prepared. Election year. Enemies within are working overtime. Evil will be a choice on the ballot box.
The tail lights on the moving van won’t mean anything since he’s installed his muslim brothers in high government positions to continue the destroy America.
Glad to see this up a vita part of FR. Thanks for all the pings Lucyt.Happy New Year to everyone.
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