Zero, Rome2000. Although Tim Cook had been acting as Interim CEO for 17 months at the time of Steve Jobs' death on October 7, 2011, the company closed out its fiscal year a couple of weeks before with a market cap value of $354 BILLION. Even with the drop in the overall market this last week, Apple's current market Cap, under Tim Cook is $591 BILLION. It has been as high as $745 BILLION. Apple's technicals have never looked as good. . . but Cook cannot be held responsible for the delusional vagaries of the stock market. . . or the games that are played by the rumor mongers who attempt to manipulate stocks for their own gain.
Your premise is completely bogus. . . And your conclusion is even worse.
Just glad I don’t have any Apple stock.
The market is going to crash overall in January, Apple is going to go even lower.
No confidence in Cook on Wall St. after the watch fiasco