” ... submit to invasion of your privacy for your own safety ...”
Also, what privacy rights does a license plate have?
> “Also, what privacy rights does a license plate have?”
The plate reader links to a database full of information about the plate registrant. That is warrantless search.
Your logic is twisted backwards. You support warrantless search in the hopes that violations are found. You’re supporting the enabling of fishing expeditions. The criteria for ‘hit’ is subjective or political. The result is harassment.
There are many scenarios where ordinary persons who are not subject to a standing warrant can be harassed and disrupted.
I am noting to cross Ohio off my travel list. The people there appear per your description to be control-freaks with twisted ideas of enforcement.
There are much better ways of controlling illegal aliens that are more in the American way of justice.
Before you get all incensed to respond with a sanctimonious rant, consider the fact that a good portion of law enforcement officers are idiots with barely a high school education. Don’t ignore this fact. It is true and because it’s true the idiots you empower will cause good people a lot of grief.
For examples, call any experienced criminal lawyer who represents people who have had charges dismissed for lack of evidence but who had their lives turned upside down because of some idiot cowboy police jerk who was itching to take somebody in.
Watch this, all of it and then come back to share.