Cruz opposes ethanol subsidies but is in favor of subsidies for the oil industry.
That’s the only thing that Trump pointed out.
Then he said that Cruz takes a lot of money from the oil industry.
His point was not that subsidies are good. His point was that Cruz is for sale.
Oil drillers are allowed to deduct capital expenditures from their earnings for tax purposes.
Might as well call homeowners deducting mortgage payments from their earnings for tax purposes as a "subsidy" too, if you enjoy abusing the English language.
He was also wrong. Cruz supports eliminating ALL energy subsidies. Trump dances with half truth again.
I have worked in both. The oil industry has more subsidies than ethanol could ever hope to. Oh, OSHA, the EPA, and a lot of other fedgov agencies treat oil much differently than oil.
One example is to point out that all the rail cars that keep blowing up filled with oil would not meet the standard if they were filled with ethanol.
If we are going to play the game, then cut all the subsides. Which I would support.
Cruz for President Campaign Asks Radio Stations to Pull False Attack Ads Running in Iowa
"It is blatantly false to suggest that Sen. Cruz wants to end the Renewable Fuel Standard while maintaining subsidies for oil," Cruz spokesman Rick Tyler said. "Cruz has repeatedly stated that he would end all energy specific subsidies, both ethanol and oil among others."Earlier this year in a speech delivered at Heritage Action in Washington, D.C., Cruz said, "Big government energy mandates don't stop with ethanol. There are tax credits for almost every form of energy. Each designed to give one industry a leg up over the other."
What are the oil company subsidizes specifically?
Tax credits for developing sources of oil are very different than taxpayer funds for an inefficient (energy source) destructive government mandate which raises costs to the taxpayers.
Specific as to what the subsidy Cruz supports. IMO you are blowing smoke out of your butt like Trump.
Says the guy who donated to 23 different Democrats and the Clinton Foundation.