Anyone care to take scientific advice from a third-rate actor??
"The environment is suffering damage that could be irreversible - global warming, the greenhouse effect, the melting of the polar ice caps, the rising sea level, hurricanes - with terrible social occurrences that will shake life on this planet."
"I believe this idea has a strong connection with reality. I don't think we have much time. Fidel Castro said in one of his speeches I read not so long ago, 'tomorrow could be too late, let's do now what we need to do'."
"I believe it is time that we take up with courage and clarity a political, social, collective and ideological offensive across the world - a real offensive that permits us to move progressively, over the next years, the next decades, leaving behind the perverse, destructive, destroyer, capitalist model and go forward in constructing the socialist model to avoid barbarism and beyond that the annihilation of life on this planet."
-Hugo Chavez, at the 16th World Festival of Youth and Students, held in Caracas on August 8-15, 2005
Hugo Chavez - Speech Delivered at the 16th World Youth Festiva
“I think there are people who indulge in a culture of what can be reduced to Fox network thinking. That has nothing to do with the politics that apply to the protection of quality of life in any sense. Its like talking to a member of a cult.”
Thank you, Sean Penn, for this perfect description of yourself and your fellow progressives.
Penn was conceived in a dingy cathouse.
Sean Penn is a God denier.
If I met him in a bar I would have to point out it’s caused by exposure to liberal thought (if you can call it that) promoted by communist college profs, the MSM, and Hollywood geniuses, like himself.
The quote should’ve been: “Climate Deniers Were Invented By Science, Common Sense, and the Truth.”
Three topics that Sean Penn is utterly and absolutely clueless about.
Sean, you are MUCH stupider than the Spicoli.
Brad Hamilton: Why don't you get a Brain Sean?
Sean Penn: What for?
Brad Hamilton: You need to have the ability to think.
Sean Penn: All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, an ax to grind against people with common sense and morals and I'm fine.
[Sean Penn, talking on the phone, hits his head with a shoe]
Sean Penn: “That was my skull! I still believe in the Global Warming Scam!”
Sean Penn: Hey, you're ripping up my weak, nonsensical arguments for the Climate Change Hoax to shreds.
Mr. Hand: Yes.
Sean Penn: Hey bud, what's your problem?
Mr. Hand: I'm not easily fooled by government propaganda as you are Mr.Penn...or should I say Mr. Lysenko?
He learned a lot of tricks about suppressing information from his Communist buddy in South America
“Look, if you wanna have a good time, get an 8-ball and a couple of bookers.” -Sean Penn
...didn't think so.
He probably knows even less about Science as Bill Nye the Anti-Science Guy
and Warmists are the spawn of satin.
Sean Penn gave BJs to Saddam Hussein (since we’re now playing in the “nonsense zone”).
Sean Penn’s relevance was invented in Sean Penn’s mind.
Like attracts like....
That Socialist Utopia of Venezuela you love so much wants you back, fulltime!
Waiting for Penn to tell us who we should vote for.
Climate change causes idiocy. Proof - Sean Penn.