I know my bank has a free service that allows me to set trigger limits on checks, debits and drafts that will send an email to me when that occurs. I also know that some email operating systems allow mirroring of emails.
What I’d have done if my dear mother was still alive is to get online with here and set those triggers to $10, and then I’d mirror anything she got on the email notification address.
On some bank accounts you can have multiple notification addresses also, so a backup email address could have been to me......for example, notices go to two of my email addresses.
It’s worth checking out.
The automatic monitoring would be a good idea (if the relative would allow it). But, there’d still need to be some sort of “auto-delay” or a 2nd “responsible party” ok of funds going out. (That probably would require the “monitor” to have Power of Attorney, too?)
Otherwise, if “Mom” takes out $19k to send Next Day to Madrid via cashiers checks to some party (perhaps a scam victim themselves) in FL, once the checks are sent, it’s hard to stop in time.
In one case I know of, the responsible “child” had gone camping 4 days(!) - came back to his Mom with savings drained and credit card maxed out (cash withdrawal).
Heck, I spend a lot of time on my e-mail accounts, but even then, sometimes I don’t see them for 2-3 days at a time.