It's time to put garlic in the ground so I'm going to have to make a concerted effort next weekend to get some cleanup done in the garden and get the soil prepped to plant.
Even with the rain that we've gotten recently the ground is still very hard. There's not much moisture at all below the sod. Another inch will put it in good shape for plowing. The weather guessers are saying we've got a cool front coming in late this week that should bring some moisture so I'm going to take a chance and hold off plowing this week.
Yesterday was bright and sunny, and I took full advantage. Pops came over in the morning and helped me set the gate and brace posts for the new fenceline.
After we finished setting posts I took down another drought-killed black oak at the edge of the pasture. This one was a whopper (over 80' tall). It only had one branch that leafed out last spring and some of the others were starting to shed so I decided to take it down before it got too dangerous to work under. There is a mountain of firewood in this one. I ran one tank of gas through the saw, hauled out three full loader buckets with the tractor and barely made a dent in it.
You have a winter’s worth of wood probably? I hate when the big old trees have to come down.
I got out yesterday afternoon - it was beautiful. Did a small amount of digging - ground here was pretty dry and hard even in the raised beds. Trying to get some winter wheat and rye in for cover crop.
While digging, I discovered some garlic I missed earlier, and it has green tops, so I’m thinking I’ll replant that into the garlic patch I was preparing.
Also took a stroll around the neighborhood. Too many dang dogs running loose.