Most practical wedding reception I ever saw...full wedding party dressed for the day, the minister, I’d guess about 50 the semi-private room at Golden Corral! Now, there’s a couple with a promising future.
When I was in my teens, there was a wedding that went like this:
After the evening service, we were invited to stay for a wedding. Two members of the congregation came forward & were married. We all congratulated them. Then we all went to Denny’s, and paid for our own meals. We all chipped in to pay for the newlyweds’ meals.
No invitations. No fancy dresses. Pictures by friends. No fancy reception. No debt. Just friends, and God’s blessing.
Moved away a little after that, but I’d bet they were starting a good marriage.
32 years ago, we provided the cake, the church provided the fellowship hall, and guests provided the potluck. I blame the wedding shows on television for raising expectations too high.