The local grocery store used to sell rabbit, all neatly wrapped. It was good eating. If I tried, I could have roadkill rabbit on the way to work.
in about 1946 or so, my dad reinforced by my mom i’m sure, decided to raise rabbits. It was just after the war and rationing and after the depression where everything was scarce. My dad told the tale of how he as youngest in the family only got a wing for Sunday dinner.
Any way, he built triple or quadruple decked rabbit cages and one large cage on the ground level that was for the bucks and breeding.
What I remember best was BBq’d rabbit....... it was really good. Chicken Fried rabbit was good also but not as good as the bbq.
The problem was the skins. Although the rabbit raising guides promoted the tanning and sales of the skins, what I remember as a 5 year old was piles of the things that just kept accumulating.
It turned out that post war America was not as bad as predicted and the rabbit raising ended.