Just watch Bryan Gumball and Bob Costas burn Haley’s football cards on TV.
I’m saving mine. Still, the number of black football players in jail for murder, rape, robbery and assault is filling up pages of my football card book.
That is a national shame and I’m glad the Haley spoke up to the young players and said what he did.
Now he and Charles Barkley, plus Sam Smith, ESPN, are lonelier than the Maytag Repair Men, but they have their honor, while others sold out years ago.
Which is why I've almost completely lost interest in the NFL. I used to be able to name a good number of players in the league, but hardly know any of them now - and I don't care. I can find better things to do on a Sunday.
We cant let the darker side of the prevailing culture dictate RIght and Wrong....EVER!