Yep take a stand. Get pissed and start at the grass roots. Nominate and elect leaders with Christian values starting at the local level. Get Christian men and women elected into every office from mayor to dog catcher and the school board in between. In many of the local elections, voter turnout is minimal. Network and encourage politically inactive church members get out and vote. Haul them to the polls if you must. Those few extra votes can make a difference in the final outcome.
You must dedicate some time and effort to save America. Think of it as a new hobby. Then as you learn and experience more about the political process, move on to the state elections, then the federal elections. Beware you will learn things about the political process you never expected.
Of course, if you don't give a damn and don't care whether our nation is drastically changing in the wrong direction, you probably won't be concerned until the Swat team knocks down your door in the middle of the night and takes you away. Then you will have to ponder how to handle the situation alone.
As for civil disobedience, that is up to you. There are various types and degrees of civil disobedience. If you are a group person, everything from using our first amendment right to free speech by marching and protesting, burning politically correct flags (like hippie, rainbow, and other liberal causes), displaying banners on the interstate overpasses, to honking our horns on the freeway on the hour every hour. As a group, I'm sure there are other things creative minds can conceive that fall into the civil disobedience category. Look around, there are book store signings, abortion clinics, and other opportunities to protest. Maybe a good book burning of the liberal media trash is in order.
If you are a lone wolf, everything not so legal is available to you such as tagging or turning over stationary objects, spitting on people and sidewalks, leaving bags of dog droppings at selected sites, burning crosses on the white devils lawns (don't do this to black people cause it's racist), and on and on. Just to be clear, I'm not recommending this approach yet as it may get you fined or worse. Just because liberals are racists, whine, protest, riot, destroy property, and loot all the time, we as Christians must remain above this. We must act civilly as well as morally in these matters. You know you want to do it, but don't.
Lastly, if you are a James Bond type, you might want to join and become a member of the opposition. Go undercover and become a spy for the conservative cause. The Democratic party, the ALCU, the NAACP, the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, or the Black Panthers beckon. Note in many situations, it may behoove you to have a tan or present yourself as an abused minority. If you tend to dress conservatively or only speak English, do not attempt this. If you are a undisclosed conservative Christian minority you'll be in-like-Flinn. You are their worst fear.
I hope everyone will be able to discern the satire from the seriousness I have presented in my response. As for me, the judges and lawyers better hope I'm not called to public jury duty or seated on a grand jury.
...become a spy in a radical organization?!!! Not a good idea.
1 Corinthians 15
33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
Proverbs 13
20 ¶ He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
Becoming like the enemy is not the way to overcome.