...become a spy in a radical organization?!!! Not a good idea.
1 Corinthians 15
33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
Proverbs 13
20 ¶ He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
Becoming like the enemy is not the way to overcome.
Thanks for reminding me. I try to follow the scriptures as much as I can, but sometimes I fall short. That’s why I warned Christians in my first response: “You might want to do it, but don’t” so that I would NOT tempt them to do unChristian-like things to provoke their adversaries.
I could have advocated we assemble ourselves and march around Washington D.C. for six days. And on the seventh day, give a great shout in the name of our GOD (not Obama’s). I wonder if the mighty hand of GOD would bring the walls of Washington tumbling down? Now that would be some kind of civil disobedience.
But I know that would be using GOD to justify our wants, not his. He is sovereign and will pick the time and place and method to deal with each situation. In the meantime, we will stand down and not surrender to our temptations.
I respectfully disagree. Spies have infiltrated ACORN and recorded them advocating fraud and perjury. Christian women pretending to seek “reproductive health” counseling have exposed a myriad of atrocities.
IMO if I’m afraid another’s depravity might somehow rub off on me, then my faith isn’t very strong to begin with.
Jesus himself among the rabble; He bopped right in amongst the moneychangers and gave them a big what-for.
That said, not everyone MUST be a spy or a saboteur.
I like to get out of my comfort zone, but not too far. : )