Hahaha... That reminds me of a traffic incident I had a few years ago. Some 18 yearold suburban white slim-shady lookalike wannabe gangster cut me off switching lanes in his riced-out honda that daddy bought for him.
I honked at him and that was the end of it (or so I thought)
At the next red light the little guy, all of 125lbs, got out of his car... sideways hat... pants fastened around his thighs... and threw his hands up and walked back toward my car.
Of course, I am too old and had my last fight years ago. I calmly rolled down my window. As he walked up to my truck... hands giving weird ‘come at me’ gestures... he finally got close enough to see the S&W model 29 .44magnum sitting in my lap.
I said “What can I do for you?”
He said “Nah brah we cool” (or some type of white gangster ebonics that I don’t fully understand)
Hopefully he’ll think twice before walking up on someones car next time.
I believe the term for guys like that is "wigger" or "whigger" (as in white n-word).
I'm not sure what the PC term is (Whegroes? Un-African-Americans?).